The Tour takes place June 29-July 21

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Traveling to Europe: The Day Of

Europe: The day of (July 4th)

Yesterday, we held our two Bon Voyage concerts in front of two extremely appreciative near full-house crowds. My mom attended both, and my grandma, Aunt and Uncle, Great Great Aunt and Uncle, cousins and several other people. Everyone that I talked to afterwords couldn't stop talking about how much of a fantastic concert it was! I was very appreciative that everyone took time out of their busy lives to come and watch me and to send me off to Europe!

Right now, we're all sitting in the lobby of the dorms, doing final room checks and turning in our keys and such. We're going to be taking off for JFK Airport in an hour, with a fast food meal stop on the way there. It'll probably be a five hour drive or so, so it will be a good time to catch up on some of my sleep! We'll probably get to to JFK at about 4:30 or so. From there, we will have to go through TSA and get our baggage and instruments checked (that will be fun.....). After that, we will walk to the gate from which Singapore Airlines Flight 25 will depart. We will be flying on the Airbus A380, which to those who don't know, it is the world's largest passenger airliner and the only airplane in the world that is completely double-decker! Our flight is scheduled to depart tonight at 8:50pm ET, however, since there have been several thunderstorms lately, there is a chance our flight could be delayed. Hopefully not, though. Our flight is scheduled to lang at 10:45am in Frankfurt International Airport (Germany time). After that, we begin our first morning walking around the little city of Rothenburg, Germany. I'll post more things and pictures as they come along! Til then, wish me safe travels! 

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